The Biodiversity Net Gain Tool offers small sites end-to end compliance with the new BNG law.

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Thousands of developers and architects have used our BNG tools. Get the BNG documents you need.

Fast. Affordable. Accurate.

As of 2 April 2024, every planning application must either comply with BNG or provide detailed reasons and evidence about why it's exempt. Our tools and friendly team can help you comply in minutes.


Use our digital tools to produce best-in-class Biodiversity Gain Plans (BGPs) that fully comply with the Environment Act 2021 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


Our Net Gain Seminars series offers training and guidance to LPAs on the new regime, where we share the expertise we've gained over the years building towards BNG

BNG tool
What you get with Joe's Blooms

Joe's Blooms produces the documents that you need to provide to the Local Planning Authority to comply with the new BNG laws.

Be ready for your next planning application

Our end-to-end platform streamlines the entire BNG process, getting you from zero to approved as quickly as possible

Instantly identify which rules apply to your site and what you need to do to comply

Our intuitive web app and its purpose-built GIS tools make it easy to prepare and collate everything

Optimise for the specifics of your site with our easy-to-grasp analysis and flexible solution finder

Generate your fully compliant BGP ready for submission to your Local Planning Authority

Make as many amendments as you need, free of charge—no repeat costs


Hear what our people say

Navigate this confusing landscape of BNG and getting the necessary legal documentation.

Making BNG simple. What seemed a daunting task at first was made wonderfully simple and straightforward; really helpful support throughout.


The team at Joes Blooms are very helpful and know the BNG area very well!! I was unsure whether to use them, but they explained everything and too the leap, very happy with the experience and help given by the team.

And look forward to using them again for future projects!

Fully comply with the new BNG law and get all the evidence and documents you need

From 2 April 2024, every planning application must either comply with BNG or provide detailed reasons and evidence about why it's exempt. Our tools and friendly team can help you comply in minutes.


Use our digital tools to produce best-in-class Biodiversity Gain Plans (BGPs) that fully comply with the Environment Act 2021 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


Our tools also produce the supplementary documents needed for your BGP, including a completed Biodiversity Metric and Ordnance Survey-powered mapping.

Produce best-in-class Biodiversity Gain Plans with our smart technology

We include everything you need to get your BGP approved:

A complete Biodiversity Gain Plan guaranteed to be compliant with the new laws

All the necessary supporting documents including a completed Biodiversity Metric calculation and Ordnance Survey-powered maps

Net gain needn’t let you or your planning application down: make biodiversity simple with the BNG Tool.

Use the BNG tool


Pay on your terms! Either pay as you go or, if you're interested in an enterprise subscription, we can set your organisation up with bespoke access to our tool.

Pay per site

Ideal for busy people - a simple, one off-payment that will allow you to get all the documents you need to comply with BNG. No extra payments and no small print - just total control and total visability of any site in England.

From £495

inc. VAT per project

Take advantage of the early bird prices!

Please note £495 is the normal price point for a standard application. Prices can range between £495 and £995 for more complex sites.

Enterprise subscription

Ideal for businesses who are looking to achieve savings and secure a tailor-made , bespoke service. Secure access to the BNG Tool for your team on your terms, along with the support package that works for you.

Take advantage of the early bird prices

Full end-to-end digital tools
Unlimited revisions
Produce all documents (including the metric sheet)
Produce a complete metric sheet
Produce a habitat plan (baseline and post-development habitat maps)
Produce a complete Biodiversity Gain Plan
Extensive digital and email support
Human support and guidance by video call  
Unlimited projects

Pay per site

Get all the BNG documents you need with a one-off payment.
From £495

inc. VAT per project

Full end-to-end digital tools
Unlimited revisions
Produce all documents (including the metric sheet)
Produce a complete metric sheet
Produce a habitat plan (baseline and post-development habitat maps)
Produce a complete Biodiversity Gain Plan
Extensive digital and email support
Human support and guidance by video call  
Unlimited projects


We assist you in real time via video call, guiding you every step of the way.

inc. VAT per project

Full end-to-end digital tools
Unlimited revisions
Produce all documents (including the metric sheet)
Produce a complete metric sheet
Produce a habitat plan (baseline and post-development habitat maps)
Produce a complete Biodiversity Gain Plan
Extensive digital and email support
Human support and guidance by video call  
Unlimited projects


Get access to the BNG tool for your team - ideal for businesses.

Streamlining Biodiversity Net Gain with Joe’s Blooms

KADS Design Ltd faced a time-sensitive project: designing new garages in Bulkington, Warwickshire while the Local Planning Authority (LPA) mandated BNG compliance.

Small Site Metric Process
BNG Tool
10,000 m2

total area and less than 1,000m2 new commercial floorspace

10 %

on-site biodiversity net gain

The Solution:

Leveraging the Small Site Metric (SSM) Process:

  • Site qualifications: Under 10,000m2 total area and less than 1,000m2 new commercial floorspace

  • Advantage: Expedited process without external ecologists or consultants

Utilising Joe’s Blooms Biodiversity Net Gain Tool:

  • Site Mapping: KADS easily mapped existing habitats (sealed surface and vacant/derelict land)

  • Impact Assessment: Evaluated biodiversity impact of original plans

  • Collaborative Redesign: Conducted same-day site visit with the client

  • Iterative Design: Used the tool to adapt plans, incorporating trees and high-quality grassland habitats

The Results:
  • Rapid Turnaround: New, BNG-compliant design created within hours

  • Exceeded Requirements: Achieved over 10% on-site biodiversity gain

  • Mitigation Hierarchy Compliance: Fully aligned with environmental principles

  • Cost-Effective: Avoided expensive consultations and delays

  • Streamlined Submission: Quickly prepared and submitted all necessary documentation to the LPA

Next case study

Optimising Agricultural Development with our Biodiversity Net Gain Calculator

Bluestone Planning needed to secure their planning permission with a BNG metric sheet, overcoming obstacles such as biodiversity loss due to building over grassland.

Small Site Metric Process
BNG Tool
10,000 m2

total area and less than 1,000m2 new commercial floorspace

10 %

on-site biodiversity net gain

The Solution:

Leveraging the Small Site Metric (SSM) Process:

  • Site qualifications: Under 10,000m2 total area and less than 1,000m2 new building footprint

  • Advantage: Use of digital tools instead of external ecological consultants

Utilising Joe’s Blooms Biodiversity Net Gain Tool:

  • Habitat Mapping: Detailed mapping of all habitats within the red line

  • Design Adaptation: Explored possibilities for red line adjustment within client needs and BNG policy

  • Creative Solutions:

    • Added small trees (saplings with DBH under 30cm) to field perimeter

    • Improved grass mix in margins for increased species richness

The Results:
  • Successful Design Iteration: Transformed barren field margin into a species-rich area

  • Aesthetic Improvement: Enhanced the new development and wider site appearance

  • BNG Compliance: Met and exceeded requirements through on-site solutions

  • Efficient Documentation: Instantly generated SSM excel sheet and habitat plans

  • Streamlined Submission: Quickly prepared and submitted all necessary documentation to the Local Planning Authority

Next case study

Sign up to be informed for when the BNG Tool can support Large Sites and Off-Sites

The Biodiversity Net Gain Tool will soon be able to help large sites and biodiversity gain sites comply with the BNG law. If you want to be kept informed please sign up below.

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Check if you are exempt from BNG

With our Exemption Checker, you can see whether you are exempt from the new law and, if so, produce the documents you need to provide to your LPA.

Use the Checker
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